Aadhiko manuram nitrya
Aadiko Manoram Nritya" drama was based on todays students life. The theme of the drama was to show our difficulties and hardwork of todays students as well their family.
The drama showed about our leading life with friends. This is the period of adolesence which we see different changes on physical and mental. Thus is the time in which we involve in bad company. Because of some bad friends we starts to involve in bad works like smoking, drug addiction, gambling, etc. Some students may fall in love. Now, after watching that drama we know that it was all because of our growing hormones. If we think that this is the time to love then in future our loves come to the door of bus.Why a girl and boy cant be the best friends? Our friends who see us spending time withgirl they thinks that we are in love. Our whole lifetime will start from there and ends there. Now also there is time in which we can change our habits.From this drama i learned alot that we should not be involved in bad habits with our friends we should avoid them all.